For innovators, changemakers, creatives, revolutionaries, visionaries, activists, experts, and entrepreneurs 

in the hand

The workshop to Learn 3 key skills to bring your big vision into the world—your Way

We often don't learn about the skills that are required to bring our big dreams and visions into the world.

I see this so often in the spaces where people care. 

They're deep experts about their work, they can see things no one else can see, and yet they cut themselves off before they even get started by questioning or doubting if their dreams and visions are even possible in the first place (even though that's exactly what they're working on!). 

They take action and focus on the wrong things—the things that their doubt and questioning tell and lead them to do—instead of the things that their vision would say is true.

We're often taught success looks a certain way.

But that version of success is only true for the world as it is, and not the world we want to see.

So what do you do or turn to when you're here to do something in a new way? 

When you're here to challenge the status quo or improve how things are done? 

When you have a vision for how things can be different than they are now?

(And you want to do it in a way without being stressed, depressed, anxious, or burned out all the time?)




You can come from your dream, or you can come from your doubt. 

It's essential to come from the perspective of it's already here and happened. When you act from that place instead of questioning if it's even possible to begin with, you're led to a radically different approach, leading to radically different actions and results.


There are actions in line with your vision, and there are actions that are a distraction. 

This is about finding your path—so you can do things your way and no one else's—especially since you're here to do something new.

emotional flow

Your emotions can stop you, or they can propel and guide you forward.

Dealing with your doubt, your stress, and the inevitable things that leave you worrying or pacing trying to overthink and figure every last detail out, will help you make decisions faster, move through your fears quicker, and curb your tendencies to overwork, overthink, stress, and burn out—or that lead to you getting stopped before you even begin.

Why do these things matter to you and your vision?



Because we can cut ourselves off before we even get started. If we come from the wrong perspective, it's hard to actually execute and discover what is right for us.




We'll often look for evidence of what's not working if that's where we're coming from, because that is what we are attuned to.




It's hard to discern signal versus noise if we don't know how to access and live from our vision, our own truth, and our own sense of alignment.




You can learn things from other people, but how do you know what you need to learn in the first place, if you don’t know what actions and next steps are actually in alignment for you?




We have to be able to leave the things behind that aren't a fit for the next level of what you are here to do.




Often, those are the very things that come up to distract or derail us, when in truth they are coming up for you to move through and integrate, so you can access a higher level of understanding and a new version of you.

why it's different

The creation process of birthing a vision is radically different than just following  a set of steps in order.


Your visions call you to a higher level.

They’re not just about what’s possible for you, but what’s possible for the world, too.

And if we’re here to build something different, something that works for all of us, it requires a different approach, perspective, and come from for how we show up, create, and lead to begin with. It requires us to be something different, to do something different, for the greater good of all.

It’s no longer just about tactics and success, it’s about creating what is possible for the world, too.

Not only is it about creating what you want to see in the world, it’s often about birthing a new you.

A you that is not bogged down by the way you “have to do things,” or who you “should be,” or what you “should say” or do.

A you that is free to be aligned, self-directed, inspired, and here to do things that no one else has or can do.

A you that is here to blaze a trail and walk a new path, made just for and just by you.


If you don’t have the right tools, skills, or perspectives to make it happen, it can be harder than it needs to be, more emotionally volatile, and has consequences not just for our lives and ourselves, but those that we love and are around us, too.


Not just that, but not being able to listen to and trust yourself and find your own way (instead of being distracted by everyone and everything else and doing things that you're not meant to do) can lead to more burn out, not being able to sleep at night because of racing thoughts and stress dreams, constantly worrying, overthinking, stressing, and being distracted with work and unhappy, and driving yourself and everyone else around you crazy with your obsessive thinking and focus, too.


These tools will help you reconnect to your power, get centered faster, clear the fog, and make decisions aligned with what you want, not what you don't.

what's included

an overview of universal law

The background to know how and why creation works and to work with the invisible forces that are always on your side.

the engage or change toolkit 

The way to know what to do about your fears or doubts—and the tools to get you back on track without wasting days or hours spinning or stressing out.

vision on-demand guided practice

Access the wisdom from the you who's already done it—so you can know what to do and what is right for you.

“in the hand” centering attunement

Somatically access and embody the confidence that you got this, it's happening, and that it's “in the hand," so you can stay in your energy, access your wisdom, be confident, and move forward and stay in momentum with what you need and want to do.

30 minutes of Q+A and 1:1 coaching

Our workshop will end with 30 minutes of 1:1 coaching and time for any questions about the process, practices, applying them to your vision, or getting unstuck and moving forward.

the details

wednesday, april 12th @ 5pm PT / 8pm ET

The workshop will be 90 minutes long. The first 60 minutes we'll go through the material and practices and I'll be teaching you the tools you can use right away. In the remaining 30 minutes, we'll have time for Q+A, any 1:1 hot seat coaching, or intuitive guidance that wants to come through.


The workshop is $37 USD.

how it works

All you have to do is show up. Bring a notebook for any notes you want to take. Even better if you can create a distraction-free space for you to dive in. You'll be guided through all the practices and tools during the workshop and you'll also get recordings of everything afterward.

the tech

The workshop will take place on Zoom. Make sure you have it downloaded ahead of time and have a good internet connection so you're already to go.

is there a replay?

Yup! In the event you can't make it live, you'll get access to the replay and recordings. (Though I encourage you to be live so you can ask any questions that may come up!)

"Throughout this work, I felt incredibly supported and grounded by Lea. As we explored expansive ideas about a brighter, healthier future for humanity (I know, no small task) I felt a deep sense of trust in Lea. Not only is she a visionary with a brilliant and profound intelligence, she is a soulful healer who imbues everything she does with tremendous care, compassion and empathy. 

She has supported me not only to manifest my work in the world, but to tap into my inner strength, courage, resilience and confidence through a number of personal challenges. She has endless resources on hand, she's a skillful facilitator, and she makes everything feel more abundant through a combination of timeless wisdom and dedicated practice. In all aspects of this life, I'm grateful to have Lea by my side on this journey and I can't recommend partnering with her more toward growth on all levels."



“Lea’s value lies in the ability to see beyond the current reality, and frame the situation in a new light. I believe her true gift is her genuine intuitiveness and instant insight— where just a few words can shift the paradigm completely—and in doing so, opens new possibilities and new measures I take for myself, for the better.”



"I don't even think I had an understanding or a basic knowledge that you can do this kind of work to change things in a very fundamental, beneficial way. I just assumed I have anxiety and I've had a stressful life, and I have to just be with that and, and figure out how to carry on. It is what it is. I just have to just it grin and bear it and that's all you can do. That's not true. You definitely can do something about it for the better. One hundred percent.”


orange county, ca

what you'll get

The 90 Minute Workshop and Replay 

A Transcript of the Workshop 

Recordings of the Guided Practices and Tools

Digital Download Easy Reference Cards for the Tools

30 Minutes Q+A and Hot Seat Intuitive Guidance and Strategy





workshop registration closes soon

Hi, I'm Lea

your workshop host

I have studied change for a long time, almost 20 years. 

My first foray into change was through politics—that was how I thought change and impact happened. And it can, but I ultimately realized that was not for me. So then I went into marketing—strange, yes? But I realized people’s perspectives were essential to change the world. 

That married up with my experiences studying foresight and design science with one of Buckminster Fuller’s mentees; I recognized in that program that if we don’t have a different perspective about what is possible in the world and for our lives, we won’t even be ready to consider the ideas and approaches that could change it. 

We’d be cut off from our potential and possibility before we even got started.

my path to this work

That path led me to strategy consulting in San Francisco with a change and innovation-focused firm working with Fortune 100 clients.


Eventually that was not a fit, and so my journey continued and led me to the world of inner change.


I am certified as a Gold Level Sacred Depths Coach / Transformational Practitioner, an alternative therapies practitioner and shamanic priestess, an Akashic Records consultant, and am studying to be a Human Design Business Consultant, as well as a Business Astrologer.


What I have found in my time of working in the worlds of inner change, is that we create change from the inside out. 


I have dived deeper in the studies of universal law, co-creation, and manifestation, and that has led me to some of the same things I saw when learning as a futurist—that change begins and is guided by vision. 


And vision and our belief of what we see or think to be possible, is the only thing limiting or propelling us forward to the world we want to see. 


In my experiences of pursuing visions, I have felt what it’s like to feel like you’re all alone. 


That no one can see what you can, that no one gets it, that perhaps you’re crazy. 


Until I truly grasped and understood the principles of universal law, only then did I understand the correspondence and relationship between our visions—what we desire and what we can see—and how they can come to be. 


There is a unique path that leads us directly to our visions and manifestations—whether that’s the big things like our visions and dreams, or the small things like the couch we want to see—and it’s essential to be able to help ourselves stay on the path, trust in our progress, affirm ourselves and our big ideas and dreams, and know how to get back to center when we get pulled or pushed off by the world around us. 


Because of my guides, my intuition, my vision, and my drive, I now know that my visions aren’t just possible—they’re probable, real, happening, happened, and ready for the world we want to see.




the bonus


visionary affirmations

Custom affirmations made for visionaries just like you. 

Plus, I'm going to include how to make your own affirmations out of your specific doubts and challenges, too.

What's included


An Overview of Universal Law — so you know that the universe is on your side, you're able to turn to these invisible laws for support, and how to turn these principles into practice. 


The Engage or Change Toolkit—the tools I've used for years with my private clients, so you can work with and transform your worry, doubt, and fears on demand.


Vision On-Demand Guided Practice—access the wisdom of your future self and timeline to be able to tell what is in alignment and what's not for where you want to go and what you want to do next.


“In the Hand” Centering Attunement—the instant energetic practice to drop into your body and wisdom and instantly shift from pursuit to calm and confident


30 minutes of Q+A and 1:1 coaching—get your questions answered to help you apply the practices or figure out what you should focus on or do next.


90 Minute Workshop Replay—so you can return to these tools, perspectives, and activations on demand.


Recordings of the Guided Practices and Tools—be able to directly access the guided recorded practice you need anytime on demand without having to go all the way back through the full workshop recording every time.


Digital Download Easy Reference Cards for the Tools—save these to your phone so you can use the tools where ever you are on demand. Quick and easy screenshot guides to help you walk through and remember the practices whenever you need them most.


Transcript of the Full Workshop–so if you prefer to read, highlight, or review it in written form, you have it for your future notes and needs, too.


BONUS: Visionary Affirmations—affirmations custom-created for those walking the visionary path and doing things differently in the world, from someone who has been there, too.


BONUS: Affirmation Process—a tool to transform your personal fears, worries, and doubts into the beliefs and affirmations that your visions are already happening and true for you.

After you sign up

When you click the button, you'll be taken to the check out page. From there, once you sign up and register, you'll get to the delivery page which will have all the information for your next steps.


The workshop takes place, Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 5pm PT / 8pm ET. In the case you can't make it there will be a replay, but I hope you do, so you can get any questions you have answered. The workshop takes place over Zoom, so be sure to have downloaded the app on your computer or phone ahead of time.


The recordings, replay, access to the transcripts, digital downloads, tools, and bonuses will happen in the following 2 days after the workshop. You'll receive a link or reminder of where to access via email.


There is nothing you need to do to prepare for the workshop, so just bring yourself, anything you want to take notes with, and have a place free of distractions so you can make the most of our time together. See you then!


P.S. All sales are final. Due to the nature of the product—a digital download and live workshop and recording—refunds are not provided. Please use your discernment when making this purchase.

We may want to be able to figure out everything with our minds, when it takes our imagination and intuition to go beyond what we know—and what the world thinks can be done, too.


The time for our visions—for your vision—is now.


Your vision is essential for us to build the world we want to see. We each have a piece of the puzzle that we are here to contribute; that only we can contribute or see. It is up to us to say yes to these visions, to ourselves, to birth and be the world we want to be and see.


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